نصوص اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول منهج 2022 PDF


نصوص اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول منهج 2022 PDF

أعزائى رواد و زوار موقعنا الاستاذ التعليمي السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته يسعدنا ان نقدم لكم نصوص اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول منهج 2022 PDFوهى بتنسيق   PDF  وورد بصورة عالية الجودة و كلنا امل فى كسب ثقتكم و العمل من اجلكم و نسعى لتحقيق التفوق لكم فى الامتحانات و الله ولى التوفيق

نحن نقدم لكم موضوعات و شروحات خاصة بالمجالات الاتية : الصف الاول الإعدادي ، الصف الثاني الإعدادي ، الصف الثالث الإعدادي ، الصف الاول الثانوي ، الصف الثاني الثانوي ، الصف الثالث الثانوي، الصف الاول الابتدائي ، الصف الثاني الابتدائي ، الصف الثالث الابتدائي ، الصف الرابع الابتدائي ، الصف الخامس الابتدائي ، الصف السادس الابتدائي ، المرحلة الابتدائية ، المرحلة الاعدادية ، المرحلة الثانوية ، الدبلومات الفنية ، نتائج الامتحانات ، نتيجة امتحان نصف العام ، نتيجة امتحان اخر العام ، الكنترول، برامج تعليمية ، دورات تدريبية ، شروحات بالفيديو لموضوعات المنهج ، الثانوية العامة, قواعد اللغة الانجليزية

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  • عنوان الملف : نصوص اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول منهج 2022

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Audio file

New Hello Preparatory3 - Check ur English Unit1 Around Town Student’s Book _Workbook - Audio files 1.mp3


New Hello preparatory year three term 1.

Workbook check your English exercise 3.

Listen and check your answers to exercises one and two.

What must you do in an exam?

Talk loudly.

Two, what should you do if you feel ill at school?

You should tell the teacher.

What do you call someone who knows how to paint very well?

An artist.

Four which city is located on the Suez Canal?

Port Saeed.

Save who used to think that animals I helped blind people.

The ancient Egyptians.

Six, what fast food has a lot of fat in it?

F pizza.

What do you call the material which people often use to make clothes?

A cotton

In which building do people usually sit and read quietly?

A library.

Workbook check your English exercise 5 listen and choose the correct answer from ABC or D.


In the foreground I can see some shops.

There is a man selling clothes on the right.

Two good morning.

How can I help you?

Hello, can you tell me what time the museum opens?

Of course it opens at 9:00 AM.

Can I buy tickets there?

Certainly only you can buy them online.

Beat 2 eggs in a bowl with a little milk.

Add some salt.

Pull the eggs into a frying pan and cook them in a little butter.

When it is ready, serve it with salad.

I was wondering if you would like to watch a film at my house this evening.

Thanks Sarah.

What time should I come about?

Shall I bring anything?

Could you bring some orange juice?

Of course, see you later.

Can I help you?

Yes, I like this red dress.

Could I try it on?

Of course the changing room is bad.

Does it fit?

No, do you?

Have a smaller size.


We don't have smaller red dresses, but we have a smaller one in blue.

Thanks, I'll take it.

Exercise one.

Dalia wants to go to the library, listen and order the phrases her friend Warner uses to give her directions from the station.

Hello Dalia, I'm at the library where are you?

Hi Mona, I'm next to the station.

How do I get to the library?

It's easy from the station.

Go straight on bar for about 20 meters.


Hey, do I go past the Sports Center?

Yes, but then turn left.


Walk past the botanical gardens.

I'm walking past them now.

Wait after the botanical gardens turn right.

Turn right after the botanical gardens OK.

Then take the 2nd Rd on the right.

Can you see a restaurant?

I think I can see it.

It's on the corner.

Walk past the restaurant.

The library is between the restaurant and the museum opposite the bank.

Thanks, Mona, see you soon.

Exercise 6.

Listen to Nadia and.

Judy, talking about about where they live.

Are these sentences true T or false F?

Correct the false sentences.

Oh dear, I live in Alexandria with my mum.

My dad and my two brothers.

Alexandria is a very historical city with lots of famous buildings, ruins and monuments.

But it's a modern city too, and there are lots of things to do here.

At the weekend, I like to spend time with my family with my family.

On Friday afternoons we usually go to the park, but sometimes we go to a museum or to the aquarium.

I love watching the fish.

On Saturdays I visit my grandparents.

They live in Alexandria too.

I enjoy playing chess with my granddad.

He's very good at it, but sometimes I sometimes I win.

My name is Judy and I live in US one.

It's a busy city with about half million people and there's always a lot to do at the weekend.

On Friday mornings I sometimes go shopping.

US one is a great place for this.

There are lots of interesting shops and I love going to the famous market.

I also like to go to the botanical gardens or the nature reserve.

On Saturdays I do my homework and in the afternoon I go to the Sports Center for my squash lesson.

It's my favorite sport.


Exercise 7, listen again and complete the sentences.

My name is Nadia.

I live in Alexandria with my mum.

My dad and my two brothers.

Alexandria is a very historical city with lots of famous buildings, ruins and monuments.

But it's a modern city too, and there are lots of things to do here.

At the weekend, I like to spend time with my family.

On Friday afternoons we usually go to the park, but sometimes we go to a museum or to the aquarium.

I love watching the fish.

On Saturdays I visit my grandparents.

They live in Alexandria too.

I enjoy playing chess with my granddad, he's very good at it, but sometimes I win.

My name is Judy and I live in US one.

It's a busy city with about one and a half million people.

And there's always a lot to do at the weekend.

On Friday mornings I sometimes go shopping.

US one is a great place for this.

There are lots of interesting shops and I love going to the famous market.

I also like to go to the botanical gardens or the nature reserve.

On Saturdays I do my homework and in the afternoon I go to the Sports Center for my squash lesson.

It's my favorite sport.

Exercise 6.

Listen to Nadia and her mother.

Where are they?

Which train do we need for tanter? We need the train to Alexandria Merc. It stops at Tanter. Oh yes, so the next train is at 11:30. That's right.

And when does this arrive, it arrived at 1:45. Which platform does it leave from? It's the Alexandria train, so it leaves from platform 7.

57 Listen again and answer the questions.

Which train do we need to we need the train to Alexandria Merc? It stops at Tanter. Oh yeah, so the next train is at 11 then is at 11:30. That's right.

And when does this arrive, it arrives at 1:45. Which platform does it leach platform? Does it leave from it's the Alexandria train, so it leaves from platforms?

Workbook Unit 1 lesson 3 exercise 2.

Listen and choose the correct words.

Good morning, this is the.

11:30 train to Luxor.

It leaves in 5 minutes.

The train stopped at Jesus.

It doesn't stop.

Because there are engineering works.

The train arrives in Luxor at 2315.

Exercise one, listen to the conversation.

Why doesn't barzil want to go to the Sports Center park or the museum?

Hi Taha, would you like to meet up tomorrow?

Hi barsel, that would be great.

Shall we go to the Sports Center?

I'm not sure I'd hurt my leg, so I can't play sport at the moment.

Oh dear, shall we go to the park then?

Maybe, but it's a long way to walk.

I'd prefer to go somewhere indoors.

Oh OK, how about the museum?

Perhaps, but it's always busy on Saturdays.

OK, So what would you like to do?

Do I think it would be nice to play a computer game?

There's a new one which lets you practice your English.

That sounds like a great idea.

Why don't you come to my house?

I'd love to.

Thanks tahar.

See you tomorrow.

Exercise 2.

To choose the correct words that.

Brazil and Tahia used to make and respond to suggestions.

Listen again to check your answers.

Hi Taha, would you like to meet up tomorrow?

Hi barsel, that would be great.

Shall we go to the Sports Center?

I'm not sure.

I hurt my leg so I can't play sport at the moment.

Oh dear, shall we go to the park?

Maybe, but it's a long way to walk.

I'd prefer to go somewhere indoors.

Oh OK, how about the museum?

Perhaps, but it's always busy on Saturdays.

OK, So what would you like to do?

Do I think it would be nice to play a computer game?

There's a new one which lets you practice your English.

That sounds like a great idea.

Why don't you come to my house?

I'd love to thank start here.

See you tomorrow.

Unit 1 Lesson 5 exercise 2.

Puts the dialogue into the correct order, then listen and check.

Would you like to meet up tomorrow?

Lima that would be great in G.

Shall we go to the museum?

I'm not sure.

I think the museums closed tomorrow, OK, shall we go to the shops then?

I'd prefer to go somewhere outside.

How about the park?

I like the park, but I think it would be nice to go on a ferry on the river.

Would you like to do that?

Yes, I'd love to.

Why don't we meet by the bridge?

Thanks for watching.

Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel.



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